The Anthropology backdoor to the web

Bernard CLIST's Curriculum Vitae > Compétence Environnement/Archéologie


Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Zambia.

  • 2022-2023: Company 2AC & Agence française de développement (AFD), Paris, France
    Technical audit of the AFD funded rescue archaeology program for the Lom Pangar hydroelectricity dam project, southern Cameroon (2014-2019; 1.2 million euros budget). Based on the contract, analysis of the output, of the quality of the deliverables, identification of significant anomalies and weaknesses in organization, archaeological fieldwork, social mitigation and performance control.
    Reference: "Rapport final janvier 2024 : Audit du marché du sauvetage archéologique du barrage de Lom Pangar - AFD, Marché subséquent fondé sur l'accord-cadre no. GEP-2020-811", Groupement 2AC / Cabinet Thomas Mouendé, Paris, 272 pages.

  • 2018: Gent University, Gent, Belgium
    Archaeological Impact Assessment of rural development (housing, roads) and soil erosion processes in the Kongo Central province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
    Reference: Clist (B.), Bigohe (S.), Mambu (C.) & Bostoen (K.), 2018, "The bantufirst project: 2018 fieldwork report from the kongo central province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo", Nyame Akuma, 90, 14-22; Clist (B.), Béarez (Ph.), Mougne (C.), Lesur (J.), Hubau (W.), Bostoen (K.), 2023, "First archaeological excavations along the Atlantic Ocean coastline of the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Iron Age sites at Muanda", African Archaeological Review, 40, 711-739.

  • 2015-2017: Culture Ministry of Angola, Luanda, Angola & UNESCO, Paris, France
    Invited by the Angolan Ministry of Culture to audit and report on the UNESCO funded archaeological excavations in Mbanza Kongo (Angola) during 2011-2014. Then associated to finish and polish the Republic of Angola final report to UNESCO to get the ancient capital of the Kongo kingdom, Mbanza Kongo, onto the World Heritage List. This was effective in July 2017.
    Reference: "Mission d'expertise archéologique, ville de Mbanza Kongo, République d'Angola, 8-20 novembre 2015", Culture Ministry, Angola Republic, Luanda, 50 pages (B. Clist with M.C. Lopes, J. Barreira, E. Cranshof, J. Mirao, K. Karklins, K. Bostoen). See also ICCROM's 2017 report favorable to this World Heritage List action.

  • 2014: SOFRECO, Paris, France
    1. Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 1: Irrigation scheme in Musakashi District, Zambia, SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia (Report by B. Clist).
    2. Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 2 : Irrigation scheme in Mwomboshi District, Zambia, SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia (Report by B. Clist).
    3. Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 3 : Irrigation scheme in Lusitu in Chirundu District, Zambia, SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia (Report by B. Clist).
    Reference: 1) 2014: "Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 1: Irrigation scheme in Musakashi District, Zambia", SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia, 185 pages; 2) "Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 2 : Irrigation scheme in Mwomboshi District, Zambia", SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia, 228 pages; 3) "Environmental and social impact assessment report, volume 3 : Irrigation scheme in Lusitu in Chirundu District, Zambia", SOFRECO report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia, 206 pages.

  • 2012-2015: Gent University, Gent, Belgium
    Archaeological Impact Assessment of rural development (housing, roads) and soil erosion processes in the Kongo Central province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Equivalent to one full year residence in villages by way of a three-months mission per year.
    Reference: Clist (B.), de Maret (P.) & Bostoen (K.) eds., 2018, Une archéologie des provinces septentrionales du royaume kongo, Archaeopress, Oxford, 479 pages.

  • 2003: African International Institute, Libreville, Gabon
    Road Improvement Program, Gabon, funded by the 'Banque Africaine de Développement'.
    Reference: "Etude d'impact environnemental des projets routiers N'toum-N'silé et Franceville-Kabala, thématique archéologie et patrimoine culturel ancien", Rapport à diffusion restreinte, Etudes d'avant-projet détaillé du Programme d'Aménagement routier, République du Gabon, Libreville (Report by B. Clist).

  • 1995-1996: Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon, Libreville, Gabon.
    Social and Technological analysis of the Archaeology department and the library projects of the Foundation, Gabon.
    Reference: 1) "Etude de faisabilité du Pavillon Archéologie de la Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon", Rapport Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon, 9 pages ; 2) "Le Département d'Archéologie de la Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon : pré-étude", Rapport Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon, 50 pages ; 3) "La bibliothèque de la Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon : étude de faisabilité", Rapport Fondation de la Forêt du Gabon, 12 pages.

  • 1995: Ministère des Eaux et Forêts, République du Gabon, Libreville, Gabon
    Social and cultural study of the impact of a local museum planned in Koulamoutou, Gabon.
    Reference: "Etude de faisabilité pour un musée à Koulamoutou (province de l'Ogooué-Lolo)", Rapport pour le Ministre des Eaux et Forêts de la République du Gabon" (Report by B. Clist).

  • 1994: Ministère de l'Habitat, du Cadastre et de l'Urbanisme, République du Gabon, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental and archaeological impact study of the Awoungou urban area, Libreville, Gabon. Reference: "Rapport d'évaluation archéologique du site de lotissement d'Awoungou", Ministère de l'Habitat, du Cadastre et de l'Urbanisme, République Gabonaise, Libreville ; Clist (B.), 1995, Archaeological work in Gabon during 1993 and 1994, Nyame Akuma, 43, 18-21.

  • 1994: Amerada Hess & Gabon Vert companies, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental Impact Assessment of planned onshore oil exploration, Iguela lagoon area, Iguela natural reserve, Gabon.
    Reference: "The Mazoumbel block, logistical survey, May-June 1994", Gabon Vert Report, Libreville, 143 pages and appendices (for the Amerada Hess company) (Report by B. Clist and A. Louis); Clist (B.), 1995, Archaeological work in Gabon during 1993 and 1994, Nyame Akuma, 43, 18-21.

  • 1993: Centre International des Civilisations Bantu (CICIBA), Libreville, Gabon
    Audit of the Archaeology and Museology Department from 1985 to 1992, Gabon and Central Africa.
    Reference : "Département d'archéologie du CICIBA : bilan de huit années d'activités 1985-1992", Audit Report, Libreville, Gabon, 47 pages.

  • 1993: British Gas, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental Impact Assessment of planned onshore oil exploration, Abanga area, Gabon.
    Reference: "Shallow wells archaeological survey, Abanga exploration license, British Gas, Estuaire Province, Gabon: November-December 1992", British Gas report (Report by B. Clist).

  • 1992: British Gas, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental Impact Assessment of planned onshore oil exploration, Abanga area, Gabon.
    Reference: "Report of the archaeological survey in the Abanga exploration license, British Gas: 28 April - 5may, 12 May, and 20-23 May 1992", British Gas report (Report by B. Clist).

  • 1991: Conoco, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental Impact Assessment of planned oil exploration, Ofoubou area, Gabon.
    Reference: "Preliminary archaeological report of the Ofoubou survey, south Gabon", Conoco report (Report by B. Clist) & "Archaeological report of the Ofoubou survey, Ngounié province, Gabon", Final Conoco report (Report by B. Clist).

    1991: Conoco, Libreville, Gabon
    Environmental Impact Assessment of planned oil exploration, Evin Ayong river area, Gabon.
    Reference: "Etude d'impact archéologique sur le secteur de la rivière Evin Ayong (Province de l'Estuaire, Gabon), Mars 1991, Conoco report (Report by B. Clist).

@ since 2005 : Bernard Clist & 'The Anthropology Back Door to the Web'